Words of the Baron & Baroness – October 2021

Unto the Barony of Loch Salann do We Raven and Sajah send warmest greetings.
It has been some small amount of time since our last missive. We have had some small adventures across the kingdom in the tween time. We visited our cousins in 1000 eyes for a lovely event in their lands. We stood as witness as their Majesties sought out their heirs. We spent a lovely weekend with our cousins in Arn Hold for Raptor war. Then we had the honor to attend Harvest war/ Coronation for the stepping down of their grace Damon and Veronique and the Coronation of their Royal Majesties Sean and Nisa all while enjoying a lovely weekend in Cote du Ciel and the fall mountain air. Throughout our adventures we found that the Artemisian host as a whole is working together to keep their friends and family safe as we start in person events in earnest. 
Loch Night and Archery practice had some misses during the interim months due to inclimate weather and air quality. However spirits remain high and hopes for a more consistent schedule are held high as we search for an alternative indoor sight for Loch Night in the coming months.(formerly fighter practice). We have seen many people come out to socialize, share and practice as people begin to feel more comfortable with being in groups. We hope this continues on throughout the end of the year.
Please know that as we begin to start having in person gatherings, that we are not taking the decisions lightly and we are working with the kingdom, and following all local guidelines as well as Society policy.
As announced by Their Royal Majesties and the board of directors. We will be looking for proof of Vaccination or proof of testing for events as directed. 
Thank you all so much for your patience and support.
For up Coming Events: 
On the 2nd of October we will be attending Axes and Arrows in Gryphons Lair. 
On the 16th of October we will be attending Crown Tournament in Arn Hold.
Then we will be attending Toys for Tots event on Arrows Flight in November.
Which will lead up to Solstice festival on the 11th of December. 
We have requested that we might seek the will of the populace in our continued service of a full 2 years. A confidence polling will be held at Solctice to determine your will as you advise the crown in their decision. More details on this to come.
We hope to see many of you joining us in supporting our neighbors and enjoying the time with good friends as the year draws to a close. 
Please join us at populace meeting on October 13th its a great opportunity to keep up to date on everything going on in the barony.
As always we are yours in service, please feel free to contact us if you have questions or concerns.
Raven & Sajah – Baron & Baroness of Loch Salann

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