Monthly Arts & Sciences Evening

Hello again from your friendly, local MOAS!

Starting in May we will have a monthly arts and sciences evening! The general format will be one hour of themed ask questions/get guidance time and one hour of “do your art” time. It’s hard to explain, but once we get going it will make sense!

This month we will be meeting at Hunter Library at 7pm on the 15th (4740 W 4100 S, West Valley City, UT 84120). The first hour will be Scribal themed, so…have a scroll you need to get started? Want to try out some basics? Always been curious but didn’t even know where to start? I’ll have paints, brushes, pens, and supplies for you to try it out! We’ll round table some tips on getting started, laying out a scroll, resources to look at, etc.

If you don’t have a Scribal project still come! There’s space to work on different projects and the artistic company is awesome!

The second hour will be general arting time. Keep practicing with the Scribal stuff or work on a different project. We’ll all be there to chat, but I want everyone to have the opportunity to work on their own projects, so no teaching will happen during the second hour.

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