Barons Words – October 2016

Unto the Most Ancient Barony of Loch Salann do We, Æylwin and Amanda, send greetings!

With the coming of October, Our minds go to the harvest and sharing of the community’s bounty, not only in the food that nourishes us, but also in the camaraderie that joins us together! As the months grow steadily cooler and the cold winds bring with it much needed rain and even snow, We hope that you keep us and all members of the great Barony in your hearts and be warmed with the joy of sharing moments together!

This month provides us with its bounty as you may travel these great lands of Artemisia to visit our good neighbors and cousins around the Kingdom and even to the Great Western War. Kick off the month with a trip to see who our next Prince and Princess will be at the Crown Tournament, here in the Loch. Then, join the adventure to go west to the Great Western War the weekend of the 8th, followed by a trip to our beloved cousins of Gryphon’s Lair at the Autumn Ball the weekend of the 15th. Then we will have an afternoon demo in Storm Mountain Park to support the Alta High Medieval Club on Saturday, the 22nd.  Then rest up on the weekend of the 29th. Looking into November, join us on the 5th for Kingdom Collegium!

Please note that we are now indoors for both fighter’s and archery practice. See our website and Facebook threads for more details, including classes to be taught at Fighter Practice. The Viridian Centre is kind enough to host us each week for fighter practice in trade for classes! Same as last year, please volunteer to teach classes to share your wisdom and skills! Archery is at Salt Lake Archery, near the campus of Westminster college in Sugarhouse. Join us for these and guild meetings throughout the month to hone your skills and learn new things!

We are currently looking for a Youth Officer and a Youth Combat Marshal, while many offices seek deputies, such as the Deputies of the Chatelaine and Deputy Chancellor of the Exchequer, and we are seeking individuals willing to train as Marshals in Training for heavy, light, thrown weapons, and archery in order to make the running of events and practices easier for all! Thank you to all who have stepped up and continue to volunteer to be event stewards/ autocrats and let us know how best to support you!

May the month serve you well and bring you plentiful harvests!

Æylwin & Amanda – Baron & Baroness of Loch Salann

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